Facilitation for Organisations

Bespoke training to hold higher quality meetings and events

“Andy and Chloe held an expertly facilitated day...

If you are looking for a way to help your team bond and grow together, I’d choose Change in Nature every time!”

Natalie Fee, environmental campaigner, author, speaker, and founder of City to Sea

Bespoke training & consultancy

Building on two decades of combined facilitation experience, we offer bespoke training and consultancy to help organisations design and deliver meetings, events and/or programmes that are:

  • Purposeful & effective

  • Connecting & inclusive

  • Engaging & creative


The amount of time we spend in meetings and calls has exploded since lockdown. Office workers are now spending anywhere between 30% and 70% of their working life in virtual or face to face meetings. 

That could be a good thing, if our meetings fostered connection and creativity. But instead they often are making us ineffective and unwell - with many experiencing severe Zoom fatigue. According to Harvard Business School, this is having a negative toll on productivity, focus and engagement.

Reducing the quantity of meetings is only part of the answer. We also need to focus on the quality of meetings in order to enable real collaboration, creativity, innovation, deeper relationships and information exchange. A survey of 5,000 knowledge workers across four continents finds that “meetings are ineffective 72% of the time and are the number one barrier to productivity.” However, it concludes that “meetings aren’t evil, they’re just poorly done.” One of their key recommendations is that organisations invest in boosting their facilitation skills.

Our Approach

Our consultancy is aimed at purpose-driven organisations that want to nurture a thriving, collaborative, creative and innovative culture. We tailor our training and consultancy to your specific needs - but examples include:

(1) In-house facilitation training to improve the quality of internal and external meetings. For example, this could be two x 3 hour online workshops for up to 10 staff members where we:

  • Clarify and agree on a shared purpose for the training

  • Train staff in the application of key facilitation frameworks

  • Explore key principles for increasing inclusivity and engagement

  • Work through a live example and how to apply the facilitation framework(s) to specific meetings

  • Share ideas and inspiration based on our experience as facilitators

(2) Consultancy and coaching to support the design and delivery of an important meeting, event or retreat.

  • Work on detailed agenda design

  • Provide training on the application of key facilitation frameworks

  • Advise on methods for improving participant engagement

  • Help the facilitation team to identify their strengths and weaknesses

  • Role play particular exercises and give expert feedback

  • Troubleshoot challenges / dilemmas

  • Provide 1-2-1 mentoring to boost facilitation skills and confidence


Our training and consultancy programmes will help your organisation to run higher quality meetings and events that will:

  • Be purposeful and effective

  • Boost creativity and innovation

  • Form deeper relationships within teams; enhancing collaboration

  • Increase wellbeing; reducing zoom fatigue & restoring mental energy

Feedback from our 2023 online facilitation courses:

  • 100% gained in confidence to lead groups

  • 100% significantly developed their facilitation skills

  • 100% learned new models they felt comfortable to apply in practice

Our values

These are some of the core values that underpin our approach to facilitation:

  • Purpose & positive impact. People’s time is precious, and every invitation to meet should come with a clear purpose in mind. We believe that getting really clear on the “why” is an invaluable investment of time that paves the way for much greater clarity, engagement and positive impact down the line. 

  • Active engagement & inclusivity. Our view is that you shouldn’t invite someone to a meeting unless you want to hear what they have to say. This sounds basic - but so many meetings and gatherings are dominated by a handful of voices and cast everyone else in the role of passive listener. As well as being disempowering and frustrating for people, it is a huge waste of potential. Making space for everyone’s contribution is at the heart of what we do. 

  • Connection & skilled communication. People will bring the best of themselves when they feel seen, understood and appreciated. Conversely, the impact of poor connection and communication is very real - research suggests that 65% of start-ups fail due to founder conflict. For this reason, we have a strong orientation towards nurturing a culture of connection and supporting people to hone their listening and communication skills.

  • Embracing biology. Humans feel and work best when we recognise and embrace our fundamental biology. We are living beings that need natural daylight, fresh air and nourishment, and who experience different levels of energetic abundance at different times of day and at different times in the year. We are healthier, happier and more productive when we work with (rather than against) our biology. Cal Newport, bestselling author of Slow Productivity, calls this “working at a natural pace.”

  • Boosting mental energy. Our mental energy impacts our ability to participate in cognitive work, including our ability to plan, make decisions, pay attention, evaluate information and manage our emotions. We need to design meetings in a way that restores and boosts our mental energy, rather than depleting it.

  • Creativity, appreciation and fun. Being effective doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, we can accomplish much more when we’re feeling creative and enjoying ourselves. Our experience has shown us time and again that inspiration and creativity prime us for more focused activity - and celebrating successes can fuel our motivation to keep going. That is why we build creativity, appreciation and fun into our programmes - and encourage others to do the same.

Case study: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) commissioned Change in Nature to run a bespoke 3 hour facilitation workshop ahead of a flagship retreat which they were organising and facilitating for 45+ grantees. This was the first retreat of its kind and was a high priority for the organisation. We focused on three major areas: introducing a ‘natural flow’ facilitation framework to inspire and guide the overall retreat design; a deep dive into how to deliver each session for maximum engagement; and troubleshooting some of the dilemmas around network dynamics to meet multiple (sometimes competing) needs and enhance inclusivity.

“Change in Nature ran a fantastic training session for our in-house team to help us design a workshop for 45 change-makers. We loved their flexible approach, engaging & intuitive content and loads of practical advice and suggestions.”

Urvi Kelkar, Fund Lead for Emerging Futures, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Facilitators: Chloe Revill & Andy Raingold

Change in Nature was created by Chloe Revill & Andy Raingold, two senior sustainability professionals who after many years of working to influence business and policy in Westminster, went on personal journeys in nature to renew their sense of purpose and drive. They set up Change in Nature to help people and organisations deeply connect with the change they would like to see in the world and be fully resourced to make a meaningful contribution in this extraordinary time.

Click here for full bios.

“Wonderful frameworks and teachings shared by two deeply present, knowledgeable and loving facilitators.”

  • “It’s really made a huge difference to the team. We cultivated a deep connection to truth, passion and purpose as we were led through a valuable and effective process.”

    Human Resources Manager, environmental enterprise

  • “The training is unlike any other zoom call you’ll go on. It’s restoring, energising, practical, connecting and full of really easy ways to implement tools and techniques.”

    Amanda, online facilitation course May 2020

  • “It’s incredible how much can be covered and the human connections that can be made in such a short time and across a screen in a way that is heart-felt, real and meaningful.”

    Nicola, online facilitation course June 2020