Nature’s Compass

A journey through the turning of a year

February to December 2026 (dates tbc)

8 x online gatherings at seasonal turning points + nature connection practices in between

  • "Transformative. A precious opportunity to reset, reconnect and grow into a new mindset."

  • "Change in Nature is bringing life-changing and community-transforming skills to the world."

  • "A deep experience that opened a connection with nature I had lost and a creativity I didn't think I had."

What is the course?

Nature’s Compass is an invitation to be held and supported by a like-minded virtual community as we journey through the turning of a year together. By bringing more awareness and intention into the yearly seasonal cycle, we will explore and deepen our relationship with ourselves, others and all of life. There will be eight online evening sessions at seasonal turning points, combined with carefully curated invitations and nature-connection practices to do in between sessions to help us attune to nature’s rhythms and act in greater service to life.


By deepening our relationship with the Earth’s cycles we come into deeper relationship with ourselves, our human communities and the web of life. On this journey, we will explore how these cycles can provide us with powerful wisdom and guidance, including around birth, growth, death and incubation, that we can bring into our lives and projects. We will make each of the seasonal turning points an opportunity to pause from our busy lives and access the deeper intelligence of our hearts and intuition. Every gathering will become a marker to reflect on the last phase and to explore our longings and aspirations for the next phase.

What practices will we be doing?

In between our gatherings, there will invitations for nature-connection and creative practices that can be adapted in a way that aligns with your life’s rhythms and needs - but at the same time ensures commitment and accountability. For example, some of these you may wish to do alone, but others you may wish to do with friends or family. Some of the invitations include:

  • A regular sit-spot practice - spending time in one place in nature near your home that you visit throughout the seasons and build a deep and intimate relationship with.

  • An intuition walk - seeking guidance from nature and your inner knowing.

  • Sleeping out or camping in the summer under the stars.

  • Outdoor firesides - either on your own or with friends and family.

  • Creative practices - such as poetry, creative writing or drawing.

  • Meaningful ways to mark the seasonal shifts in a way that is authentic for you.

  • A regular gratitude practice.

  • Foraging food, teas and medicine at different times of the year to bring into your everyday life.

  • Doing things in service to others and the earth - however small these may be.

Who is it for?

Anyone looking to harness the incredible potential of nature and community to enhance wellbeing, connection, meaning and purpose in your life. One of our main intentions for this course is to make some of the work we do at Change in Nature more accessible to people who might not be able to commit to a residential retreat. Nature’s Compass is limited to twelve people to ensure an intimate community with which to journey through the year.

What will you come away with?

We hope that by doing this course with us you will:

  • Bring your life into greater alignment with natural rhythms, bringing more balance to your days and enhancing your sense of wellbeing

  • Connect with nature and the seasons in a more intentional way, with all the benefits that this might bring - such as improved mental health, greater happiness and increased vitality, creativity and inspiration

  • Access the wisdom of your heart and intuition at regular intervals throughout the year - helping you to navigate life’s journey in a way that is more aligned with your deeper truths

  • Get more clarity on personal dreams, goals and objectives in your life - and be held accountable to them by others

  • Deepen your relationships with the trees, birds and wilder spaces on your doorstep

  • Rekindle and deepen a reverence for life

  • Be supported by a like-minded community of fellow travellers


We will meet eight times together at the seasonal turning points in the Northern Hemisphere. These are based on the Celtic ‘Wheel of the Year’. Although we will not celebrate these turning points with traditional Celtic practices, these provide helpful markers and guidance from an ancient tradition where people lived much closer to the natural world.

All our gatherings will be 7.30pm to 9pm (2026 dates tbc)

  • Imbolc. Tuesday

  • Spring Equinox. Tuesday

  • Beltane. Tuesday

  • Summer Solstice. Tuesday

  • Lammas. Tuesday

  • Autumn Equinox. Tuesday

  • Samhain. Tuesday

  • Winter Solstice. Tuesday

Nature’s Compass

Check out this short video…

Facilitator: Andy Raingold

Andy is a coach, facilitator, speaker, reslience practitioner and social entrepeneur who inspires transformative change. He has been guiding immersive nature experiences and personal development programmes since founding Change in Nature in 2015. He has been guiding and teaching the integration of seasonal cycles into people’s lives since 2019. Click here for full bio.

“Caring, Supportive, Challenging”.

Paul (July 2017)

“A wonderful safe space in which to explore, experiment and develop.”

Jenna (May 2020)

Book now to secure your place

All of our training courses have been oversubscribed in the last few years, so early booking is recommended

Nature's Compass
from £250.00
  • There are only twelve places available on the journey

  • We are currently offering early bird places with £100 saving on the full course fee. Book now and pay £295 (£250 for low income).

  • Let us know if you would like to pay in instalments.

  • TIME COMMITMENT: It is up to you how much time you commit to this. Overall, there is probably a minimum expectation of 3 hours in nature every six weeks (between the online sessions) but we suggest adopting a flexible appraoch so that any invitation does not feel like another demand on your time, but rather is a genuine invitation that excites and supports you. For example, some people might do the regular sit-spot practice three times a week, and others might do it once every six weeks, and over some phases you might not do it at all. Our intention is that this will make it easier to integrate the course into your life in a way that works for you.

  • Please read our terms and conditions before booking.

  • “Life changing. This course has had a huge impact on my sense of self, wellbeing & purpose.”

  • “A beautifully crafted experience held gently for comfort and growth.”