Imbolc Nature’s Compass Workshop

A FREE online workshop for refection and renewal

Monday 20th January (7-9pm UK time) on Zoom

In the run up to Imbolc - the Celtic festival on the 1st February which marks the very first glimpse of Spring - we're offering a free online workshop to help you reflect and let go of the past year and tend to your intentions for the year ahead. Together we will welcome the ideas and dreams we have been incubating during the winter months to rise up within us - and begin the tentative shift from hibernation to action as the light returns. We will be using Change in Nature’s The Year Tree - a free online reflection tool.

This workshop will also provide guidance on how aligning your life to natural rhythms can bring balance, strength and clarity to your life; providing a taster for our Nature’s Compass programme - an online journey through the year marking each of the seasonal turning points which starts on the 4th February.

Register for the Workshop